If TokenLock is not unlocking your Mac properly:
- Make sure the "Unlock my Mac" checkboxes are checked.
- Make sure you are using Screen Saver, Built In or Sleep locks.
- If TokenLock isnt pressing enter after entering your password, make sure the "Press enter after entering password" checkbox in advanced settings is turned on.
- If TokenLock is not entering your entire password, try increasing the "Password entry delay" setting.
- The method we use to detect the screen being locked has been getting more and more reliable as Apple fixes bugs. It is not particularly reliable before 10.8, and in order not to just send your password and potentially have it appear in your buddy's chat window, we opted not to enter the password if we don't get a clear response from OSX. You can disable this type of checking, and "fix" the issue by going into terminal and typing:
defaults write com.mappin.tokenlock mustCheckCGSession 0
to reverse the change, type
defaults write com.mappin.tokenlock mustCheckCGSession 1
If you still can't get Screen saver lock to unlock, you can use the Built in Lock.