As you may have heard there are a lot of issues with Apple’s move to MacOS catalina, especially around the new Music app. This page has our latest status and information about compatibility and issues with Catalina:
- We are unable to query MacOS for the location of your Music Libraryfile or the actual Music itself. (We have a ticket open with Apple Developer Support on this bug Apple BUGID FB7384987)
- New music artwork is inacessible. In fact, the Music app also does nto embed atrwork into the actual files. (We have a ticket open with Apple Developer Support on this bug Apple BUGID FB7406273 )
- Podcasts are now in a separate app, so they can’t be added to a playlist. (Our current workaround is to pull the podcast data and override access, but we do not know if Apple will break this)
- We are aware of some issues on macOS Catalina related to file access and security. The result of this is that only some files are being copied over in a sync. If you are interested in helping,please reach out as we have test builds to try work around the issue. (This is a BIG issue and is impacting our freinds everywhere including Roon Labs This needs to be addressed by Apple but we ourselves have been unable to reproduce the issue in order to file a bug)