Linking Lovetank

Steps to getting LoveTank linked:

LoveTank is an app that lets you share your level of happiness/satisfaction with your significant other. It involves setting up two (or more) iOS devices, we will call them Device A and Device B for this support section.

You must enter a valid, email address in tot he "My Email" section on each device. For example on device A, I would set my email to and on device B I would set the "My Email" field to

Next, you need to fill in the "Partner Email" section on both devices. In our example, on device A the Partner Email is and on Device B its

Both devices need to enter the same password:

Once you have filled in the rest of the page on each device, click the "Verify email Address" button. This will cause our servers to send an email to the email addresses you entered with a validation link. You must click that link to proceed. Note that this may take some time depending on how busy our, and your email servers are.

Once you have clicked the validation link from each email account, you must return to the devices, select the Connection Tab and verify that they are linked by clicking the "Check status" box. 

For the devices to be linked, and to ensure security the email addresses must all match, and the passwords must also match.

Once you have clicked the "Check Status" link, and you have set it up, you will get:

If, after a few hours, you do not receive emails, please click here to check the validation status or resend the emails...

You are now ready to switch to the Love Tank tab and start setting your tank level!

© 2011 Jeremy Laurenson / MapPin Software