
The friendliness setting in MediaTransfer is there to present the user (presumably your significant other, or a family member) with a more friendly error message should they try and use MediaTransfer when not connected.

After you have verified that you have MediaTransfer working the way you want, turn on friendly mode and customize the message.

Now, whenever a transfer fails, instead if displaying the usual error message, MediaTransfer will display your own, personal message.

The real errors will still be logged in the MediaTransfer log, so it your family member continues to have issues, you will be able to have a look and see the real reasons for the failures.

An example of a good "friendly message":

Oops! I can not transfer now. Please make sure you are at home, and you can see the wireless meter at the top of the screen before trying again.

The Auto Transfer switch on the settings page tells MediaTransfer to automatically transfer new Pictures and Videos from your iPhone or iPad whenever the app is launched. If you want to stop this behavior, turn off the switch. You will then need to tap the Start Transfer button on the main screen to start transfers.

© 2011 Jeremy Laurenson / MapPin Software